Tired of being tired?

OhSo Sleepy Drops - 10 ml.
So damn it, once again you've chosen to take your sleep seriously and wandered into some website that wants to sell you some miracle product. Welcome to. - If you are old, but not quite old, and if you are young, without really being young, then you have found the right warm place that reminds you of your mother's forgotten lap. Oh So Sleepy. Known from the hellish mad hatter Anders Morgenthaler's countless rants on Instagram, Facebook and every single podcast this Godforsaken country produces. You are either here because it was recommended by a friend, or you blindly trust a B-list celebrity who endorses everything to do with plants. No matter what, you're here, and we're glad for that. If you want to read a little more about the product, you can explore here on our website.

Without any sales pitch, we will explain to you right here why OhSo Sleepy simply works better than similar products
Because it does. That's just the way it is. Try the hell out of it or get your money back. What do you have to lose? 400 kroner? You wipe your ass for 400 kroner, it's two glasses of bad natural wine at Vesterbro that you still get a lot of bee from because your stomach has become too sensitive for the unfiltered horse piss. Maybe your stomach could handle it if you slept better! So consider that. Either you can shit yourself half to death every time you eat a kebab or drink a glass of Beaujolais, or you can sleep well. Bulletproof logic.
But seriously, you get your money back if you don't feel any effect at all. And we can only say that because we are not afraid that you will want the money back. It works.

Does it really work that well or am I dreaming?
What does OhSo Sleepy contain?
Vanillin : Vanillin is a natural aroma derived from vanilla. In addition to its use as a flavoring agent, vanillin has sedative properties that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which can contribute to better sleep.
Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) : Chamomile is known for its calming and anti-anxiety properties. Chamomile tea is popular as a natural remedy for sleep problems, as it can help relax the body and reduce stress, making it easier to fall asleep.
Passionflower (Passieflora Incarnata) : Passionflower is traditionally used as a natural sedative. It helps reduce anxiety and restlessness and has mild sedative properties that can improve sleep quality by making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Hops (Humulus Lupulus) : Hops, also used to brew beer, have sedative and hypnotic properties. It can help relieve anxiety and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and improving sleep quality.
Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) : Valerian is one of the best known natural sleep aids. It has sedative and anti-anxiety properties and is often used to treat insomnia. Valerian can help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and improve overall sleep quality.
Hvordan benyttes produktet?
Af hensyn til lovmæssige krav i Danmark skal vi sige at produktet skal påføres udvortes. Der er dog også andre, betydeligt mere effektive måder at gøre det på. Og hvad kan det så være siger du? Er det at dryppe det i øjet? Nej, det er det ikke. Er det at dryppe det i navlen? Nej, heller ikke.
Er det at dryppe det under tungen og lade det ligge i 1-2 minutter? ... Hvem ved, hvem ved... Vi anbefaler at du prøver at starte med et kvart rør, og stille justere til du finder din balance.
Who can use OhSo Sleepy?
OhSo Sleepy is perfect for anyone who wants a natural and effective solution to improve their sleep quality. Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or just want a deeper, more restful sleep, OhSo Sleepy is designed for you.
Why is OhSo Sleepy better than other sleeping drops?
OhSo Sleepy stands out with its unique combination of organic, vegan and plant-based ingredients that work in harmony to promote calm and deep sleep. With carefully dosed ingredients such as valerian, chamomile and hops, we offer a natural solution that really works - guaranteed!
What is OhSo Sleepy's personal data policy?
When you shop at OhSo Sleepy, we collect and process your information.
OohSoBeauty Limited, is the data controller for the information you provide to OhSo Sleepy. We ensure that the storage and processing of your personal data takes place in accordance with the law.
We use your general data provided, including name, address and contact information to process your order and store it in our order system.
We only use your e-mail address as part of the execution of your order and for carrying out customer surveys. If you want to receive our newsletter, it requires a special consent from you.
We do not use your phone number to contact you for sales purposes. We will only contact you by phone if there are problems with your order and/or with notification of your delivery. Your credit card information is sent directly and encrypted to our payment provider and is thus not stored in OhSo Sleepy's system. We use Shopify Payments as payment provider.
The processing of your personal data is necessary to fulfill your order, which is the legal basis. We store your data for 5 years after your purchase.
We store your data for the period that is relevant and for the period that is required by separate legislation, e.g. your right of complaint according to the Purchase Act.
We collect and process your information when using the webshop :
When you use our website, we place cookies. OhSo Sleepy continuously receives statistical information from our data processor about visitors to the site. However, it is not possible to recognize individual people based on this information.
When you surf the Internet, you leave an "electronic trail" that tells you where you've been. When you have visited OhSo Sleepy, we want to know the following about you:
- Which pages on OhSo Sleepy have you looked at and when
- Which browser you use
- What IP address you have
We use the technical information to find out which path our visitors use to find information on our site. For example we can see if they start from the front page and move down the subpages, or if they jump into the middle of the website from a search engine.
If you chat with us on our website, the chat history will be deleted within 24 hours.
Who has access to the information?
Only people from OhSo Sleepy and the responsible person at our data processor are entrusted with the above data. Your information is never sold to third parties. They are only passed on to the extent that it is necessary in relation to carrying out our agreement.
Your personal data may be used in cases with the police, as we report e.g. false payments to the police. We release account information and other personal information when we deem it necessary to comply with applicable law and to avoid fraud and fraud, e.g. in connection with credit cards.
Your rights as a data subject:
As registered, you have the following rights, which you always have the opportunity to exercise vis-à-vis OhSo Sleepy.
- You have the right to gain insight into which personal data we process about you
- You have the right to have the personal data we have registered about you corrected and updated
- You have the right to have the personal data we have registered about you deleted. If you wish to have your personal data deleted, we will delete all information that we are not required to store according to other legislation.
- If you wish to make use of your right to access, correct and update information or to have it deleted, you can contact us.
We protect your personal data and have adopted internal rules on information security, which contain instructions and measures that protect your personal data against unauthorized disclosure and against unauthorized persons gaining access to or knowledge of your data. We have established procedures to protect your data. To avoid data loss, we regularly back up our data sets. We also protect the confidentiality and authenticity of your data using encryption.
In the event of a security breach that results in a high risk to you of ID theft, financial loss or other significant inconvenience, we will notify you of the security breach as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the above, please feel free to contact us.
Appeal body:
You have the opportunity to complain about our processing of personal data about you to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. See contact information and more about access to complaints here: www.datatilsynet.dk
Night drops with a fan club! (We wrote them ourselves)
No brainstorming
"I have always found it difficult to sleep because of the multitude of thoughts, but OhSo Sleepy makes me naturally relaxed and can fall asleep easily" - Jonas Hansen.
No lethargy the next day
"Other forms of sleeping pills have always left me dead tired the next day. With OhSo Sleepy, I feel like I've had a natural sleep all night" – Jane Klausen.
Natural sleep
"I often wake up at night to pee, and have always had difficulty falling back to sleep, but with OhSo Sleepy I fall asleep almost immediately." – Anne L.